Elden Hollow I

Elden Hollow I

Base Game

Minimum Level 14

20 minutes

Green Hall, Grahtwood

Ancient Remains

When the Daedra-worshiping Ayleids were driven from Cyrodiil after Alessia's Slave Rebellion, many of the Wild Elf clans took refuge in Valenwood. One of the foremost of those clans was granted the right to excavate dwelling-halls under Elden Root itself.  


Akash gra-Mal

To defeat Akash gra-Mal, it is important to be aware of the boss's three abilities. The first ability is a reverse uppercut that knocks the player towards the group, causing significant damage unless it is blocked. The second ability is an AoE overhand swing that follows the player with aggro, but can be easily mitigated if the tank is targeted. It is recommended for DPS to be aware of this ability to improve their awareness. Finally, the boss will cast a forward conal AoE attack that damages and knocks back anyone in front, but it only does a quarter damage to DPS. It is suggested to fight the boss from the back to avoid this attack. The abilities follow a loose pattern of conal, overhead swing, knockdown, conal, knockdown, overhead swing, which can help determine the next ability.

Canonreeve Oraneth

To defeat Canonreeve Oraneth, players should be prepared for her various abilities. Firstly, they need to be cautious of the frost circle she spawns at her feet, which works similarly to lightning form. Players should also be aware of her poison attack, a ranged ability that can be avoided by roll dodging away. After using these abilities, she will cast a stun AOE that pulls players down, which can be dodged or broken free from. Following this, four Darkfern Skeletons will spawn, requiring the group to focus on quickly defeating them. Finally, players must be cautious of her Chokethorn-like ability, which grows out from her feet and can one-shot players unless they are blocking or roll dodging. It is crucial to prevent this ability from killing more than two people to avoid a potential group wipe. Overall, the fight requires good player awareness and coordination, but it is not the toughest challenge in ESO.


To defeat Chokethorn, it is important to have high DPS and good player awareness. Firstly, be mindful of Chokethorn's ability to pull players towards it, as it can interrupt rotations. Secondly, focus on killing the healing strangers that the boss summons, as they can heal Chokethorn and prolong the fight. If your group has low DPS, assign one player to attack the boss while the other focuses on eliminating the healing strangers. Lastly, be extremely cautious of Chokethorn's large AoE attack, which can deal massive damage even through blocking. Avoid standing in the AoE at all costs, as it can wipe out the entire group. Use this fight as an opportunity to train players on the importance of avoiding dangerous areas on the battlefield.


To defeat Leafseether, first kill the Alit add. Once that is done, the boss becomes easily burnable, with its attacks being mostly avoidable. When the boss jumps up to smack down its target, strafe to the side to dodge the attack completely. Additionally, watch out for its conal AoE attack, indicated by a sucking animation followed by a chomp animation. Simply step to the side to avoid any damage.

Nenesh gro-Mal

To defeat Nenesh gro-Mal, first eliminate all the additional enemies around him to avoid any distractions. Then, make sure the tank taunts the boss to keep it focused and prevent it from attacking healers and DPS. Nenesh gro-Mal primarily uses lightning-based attacks, which don't deal much damage. However, be cautious of his two-handed uppercut ability, which can be blocked to minimize its impact. Additionally, the boss may cast a mage fury-like ability on himself, but it can be interrupted. Overall, Nenesh gro-Mal is the easiest boss in the dungeon, and a well-coordinated group should have no trouble defeating him and managing the adds.

Gear Sets

Light Speaker   Light Armor
Barkskin   Medium Armor
Undaunted Bastion   Heavy Armor
Chokethorn   Monster Helm Sets


Elden Hollow I Vanquisher   10 points
Elden Hollow I Conqueror   10 points
Canonreeve Reaver   50 points
Veteran Alit Slayer   10 points
Veteran Darkfern Orc Slayer   10 points
Elden Hollow I Survivor   50 points
Elden Hollow I Assassin   50 points
